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I was lucky to be part of the history of many brilliant people.
Each of you contributed with your inspiring minds to the Lab.

Thank you all! I will be always grateful.
C. Galdino

André Filogônio Cançado

Current working as Environmental Biologist.


Beatriz  Siqueira Rodrigues (a.k.a Bea)

Current a MSc Student at Universidade de Viçosa.

Amadeus P. B. H Václav (a.k.a Master)

MSc. 2017. Studied habitat use by an endemic lizard species from a montain environment.

Gabriela Cavalcante de Melo (a.k.a Gabi)

Actualy a PhD candidate in Monash University, Australia.

MSc 2016. Studied sperm storage and renal sexual segment cicle in a lizard.

Go to Melo's website

Luan T. Pinheiro

MSc. 2017. Developed an approach to evaluate lizards personality. 

- Currently developing his studies in the Laboratório de Imunoquímica de Proteína at UFMG

Carlos Felippe

Msc 2014. Interested in reproductive biology and behaviour of reptiles and amphibians.​

Go to Felippe's website

Kelton Miranda

Undergrad. student. Studied sexual dimorphism in lizards fingers proportions.

Eduardo Carlos Quintana (a.k.a Duds)

Msc 2015. Studied Dear enemy phenomenon in a neotropical lizard species.

- Currently working as envirolmental consultant


Marcela Carreiro Alves

Undergrad. Student.

Studied lizard thermal ecology.

Luisa M. L. Dutra

MSc 2016. Interested in animal behaviour. Currently PhD candidate at Salford University UK.


Maria Clara Melillo Alves
Undergrad. student. Studied body color of lizards.

- Currently developing her studies at UFMG LaSexia lab.

Aline Pereira

MSc 2018. Applied a computational approach to explore for hidden patterns on dietary data in a lizard population.


MSc. 2019. Clara C. Lisboa (a.k.a Clarinha)

Studied thermal relations of a mountaintop lizard species.

MSc Izabella Freitas

Studied patterns in the relationship among helminths parasites and their lizards hosts.


MSc 2020. Marcella J. Goulart

Studied lizards aggressive behaviour.

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